I've been busy felting soaps handmade by the lovely Leanne from FeelAtHome.
She handmakes natural, luxurious & organic cold pressed soap here in New Zealand.
Her soaps are really fun to felt and my hands have never smelled so good - in fact my whole house smells great - quite lemongrassy!
We got together in this collaborative effort when I started doing Hobbs Wharf market on Sunday mornings and she was on the stall next to me. Funny how things happen....
About felted soap:
When wet, the soap lathers up and the wool gently exfoliates your skin.
As you use the soap, the wool keeps shrinking around the soap and when the soap is gone, you are left with a tiny felted pouch that can be used as a scrubby, or cut open to store little treasures or placed in your linen drawer with a few drops of essential oil to make your linens smell gorgeous.
Ideal as a unique gift for travelers and college students as no washcloth is needed!
Keep in a dry dish between uses.