I'm busy with my crochet exploration - I've mastered a few basic stitches but have LOADS to learn. I LOVE CROCHET! I've done a few scarves for my kiddies as its getting cold now here in NZ. Doubt they will wear them though.
This is one of my recent vessels - crocheted wool with wet felted details, including pink 'spikes'. It also incorporates sari yarn which is made in Nepal using recycled fibers from the sari manufacturing process in India.
I like making pots as they are fun to keep things in and I can just freeform crochet! I'm not great at following a pattern (or actually following any type of direction) - I can never remember what I have just done or where I am!
I am also now totally addicted to buying yarns - there are some amazing handspun yarns out there (I love drooling over the website Material Whirled - www.materialwhirled.com) they have a fantastic selection of handspun yarns by very talented spinners.
I so want to learn to spin my own yarn......maybe have my own cute little dreadlocked alpaca in the garden....