Well I'm busy felting away - I think come winter I will be felting Tentacle Hats, scarves, boots etc, etc. I LOVE WET FELTING!!!!!!
I just finished my latest art jewelry creation called "Rafflesia" - because it reminded me of a huge jungle parasitic flower. She kind of just got bigger and bigger as I was making her, rather out of control but I like the way she turned out!
The organic gemstone is a fab piece of Fossil Oolite from www.designercabochons.co.uk (a family run cabochon business in the UK). Very funky and unusual fossil stone with a great 'ooid' pattern.
Other materials used - Faux Bone (loving this material too its so versatile), copper (I got the patina by heating it up), brass & stainless steel micro-screws, fine silver etched heishi (Fair Trade from Thai Karen Hills Tribes), old silver colour heishi (Fair Trade from Ethiopia) and merino wool in great colours.
I got some of this merino wool from Oz - a great company called Tree Tops Colours at www.treetopscolours.com.au
I'm going to try a smaller one next.......(fingers crossed)!