I came up with this little fella - he's only 6cm long and it was a real mission to felt the 'pricks' and get them to stay securely in the holes!
If you are easily offended (or a man) - then don't read the script on the 'flowerpot'.
Also featuring copper sheet with patina, natural pink feshwater pearl, brass screws and eyelets. There will be a brooch pin on the back when I get around to it....
Gotta love this one if only for the name! Cool design though. Stamping thing sounds like a hoot.
Thanks Pam!
I'm enjoying stamping letters in things (anything invoving a hammer is quite satisfying!)- someone gave me a tip which is to mark in pen on each stamp the top edge. That way I haven't got confused yet and ruined a piece by stamping a letter up the wrong way! So far...
hi Gina, nice you visit my blog, what beautiful things you make, and what a beautiful woman you are!
Thank you Yvette - you are very kind. Your images on your blog are AMAZING! I can't understand the dutch words but your photos speak for themselves. I really love the shots of your work on the beach - the look very 'other world'. Just beautiful.
To read Yvette's site just copy the URL at the top of her page and then google "google translate" Pop the URL in and the whole page is translated to english! My 13 yr old taught me this. I think he was using it to look up rude words in other languages though. I couldn't decide whether to be cross about the rude words or excited at his interest in another language!
Thanks Pam - thats an amazing tool. I can't believe it just translates it just like that. Hmmmm - think you should go with being excited at his interest in other languages and maybe check he's pronouncing them correctly!!!
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