These are the first lampwork beads I made myself! Well actually under the amazing guidance and tuition of Lisa-Jane Harvey of Born To Bead (
www.borntobead.co.nz). She has a fantastic studio setup and I hope to take her beginners glass fusing workshop soon (kiddies permitting).
I'm thinking some felt with these babies.......although my daughter has already made off with the blue swirly one (which was a bead that went really wrong....).
I've got some really cool felt/faux bone rings to post soon when I've finished them. Hopefully soon......
very cool beads, how did you do that :)
Oh its very easy - with one hand you roll the metal stick about a bit in a flame and with the other you dab on the runny glass. Then you just pop it the oven to cook while you have a cuppa.
Don't know what all the fuss is about really!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Must be because I had such a fabulous teacher!
Thanks again Lisa-Jane, I had such a cool (well hot really I suppose) time in your studio.
Hi there Ginga :D
I love your Lampwork Beads!
Do need a special kiln? Or just the normal kitchen oven to cook?
I would love to learn someday. Beautiful work!
I would also love to say a big thankyou for your lovely comment you left on my copper bracelet. I had fun with it :D
Have a lovely day,
From Tracey
Thanks Tracey - I did this lesson at a proper flamework studio and there was a kiln there - as I understand that they have to anneal for a while after being made. It was just so much fun - but the studio is a quite far from me so I guess I won't be able to go regularly.
But definately something I would like to do alot of sometime in the future - its so much fun!
You should definately try and do a class - but warning you may get addicted!
Hey there Ginga!
Your lampwork beads are beautiful! I love the colours!
Thank you also for the lovely comment on my Black Onyx & Copper Pendant :D
I hope that you are having a lovely Easter Weekend!
From Tracey
Ahhhh, i will definitely have to try a lampworking class one day! I do believe what you say when you say it would be 'addictive' though! LOL
I love the colours that you can create making those beads.... very pretty!
Thanks again Ginga :D
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