This ring just didn't feel 'finished' - so I ended up coating the bulb of the wet felted sea anenome with UV resin and added some rough diamonds (very, very sparkley even though they are still rough). I am liking the effect of resin over felt - as the felt texture is still there but very hard! I then added an airplant (Tilladsia Albida). Now he feels finished and more 'alive'!
Then when I was taking new photos - both my kiddies wanted it and fighting ensued!
The airplant should like living in the felt of its 'host' as it doesn't need much water - and it doesn't matter if the felt gets a little wet as it will dry naturally.
wow!!! that is the most wild, funky and amazing thing I've seen in a very long time!
Thanks Pam!!! My kiddies were also fighting over your fab-tastic beads, so I've had to squirrel them away to keep them safe!
I want one. How do I get one?
Ha ha Janice - I can just see you joining in the fight with my kiddies (by the way my son fights dirty as he pinches)!
I'm actually entering it in a competition here, not too sure how it will go down but I'm just finishing off its 'Mother' and will post a pic soon (she's rather large).
It's a very cool and fun ring! YAY!
Thanks Tammy! And hopefully airplants are pretty unkillable...
I'm so glad I'm not the only one that can't comment! I had decided that maybe there was something wrong with my computer! :)
so original, but may I ask what uv resin is?
Thanks Yvette! I use a UV (ultra violet) resin called Magic Glos. Its non-toxic and has the consistency of shampoo. You just squeeze it out of the bottle and then it sets rock hard (like epoxy) when exposed to UV light. So it will set if I leave it outside in the sun - but as the sun is not predictable here in NZ, I use a UV light for setting acrylic nails from a nail salon. Normally sets in about 10 mins under a UV lamp.
OK, so when you make another one - can I buy it? Do I get a discount???? (I'm poor ya know) But I SO want one!!!!
Gosh Janice I didn't think you were serious! I'll send you this one when it gets back from its competition - I would love you to have it! And it would be a gift - you are such a cool woman!
OH Gosh - you have no idea HOW serious I am. And I'll pay you for it. I ADORE this ring. :)
(and thanks - you're quite the cool chick yourself ya know). I WILL be emailing you my addy. :) And hoping one day that ring appears!!! :)
Cool Janice! But NO payment. My email is vicky at gingasquid dot com.
Fingers crossed it survives the trip! I will email you when I post it - but it may not be for about a month.....
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